
Please complete a Faxback Referral (appointment request)Form and Fax or emai together with a referral letter and clinical history (with the relevant information highlighted) SLVH will then contact the client directly to make the appointment and you will be contacted to confirm that this appointment has been made After consultation with the patient Clare will send a full report to both the client and the referring veterinary surgeon.

Cases suitable for referral to the Neurology Department

Personality change
Wobbly or poorly coordinated walking
Spinal (back or neck) pain
Head tilt
Loss of balance
Loss of nerve function
Lameness where orthopaedic disease ruled out
Blindness where eye disease ruled out
Abnormal spontaneous and/ or/ involuntary movements
Muscle contracture or atrophy
Suspected syringomyelia
Suspected Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome (FOPS)
FAX Advice Service

What is it?
• a fax or email advice service on management of epileptic dog and cats or other neurology advice.
What cases are suitable? 
• Cases with uncontrolled seizures
• Cases with problems relating to seizures and/or their therapy
• Clients which are unable to attend a referral consultation e.g. because of distance
• Cases requiring a second opinion
What is the cost?
• £75 plus VAT
What is required?
• Fax /email or post questionnaire form together with relevant blood work and clinical history
• Contact details below
What do we receive?
• Detailed report with diagnostic and management suggestions • Turn around 1-5 days
Download/View the Epilepsy Advice Form as a PDF by clicking here.
Download/view a Neurology Advice Form as a PDF by clicking here
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Referral Information for Vets

FAX Advice Service
Information Sheets for Vets
A range of free information
sheets available in the

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